
Do we weep for the proud?

Published in the "Beside Still Waters " Magazine - 2009

He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it. - Isaiah 25:8

During those mornings, in early October 2009, I remember hearing the phrase;
"OUR Joy @ Eternity realized is in the presence of My God and His People. Don't be discouraged for He has planted you within the Net-work of his body. " This phrase was repeated over and over again in my mind.

On the Monday morning of October 5th, 2009, before sunrise, around 5:00 AM, tears were streaming down the sides of my face. These tears were quite different for they did not seem to be mine. The same tears ran down my chicks on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings of that week. Each day they seemed to lessen in their intensity. And through it all, I heard the phrase "OUR Joy @ Eternity realized is in the presence of My God and His People. Don't be discouraged for He has planted you within the Net-work of His body. " It was repeated over and over again in my ears. I remember thinking, "How odd a phrase!" This is what helped me to memorize it and write it down for this publication. Note that it says, "my God..." the Lord longs for a personal , deep, meaningful relationship with each of us on a one on one bases. He wants to be "my Helper" not just "our helper." Why then does it say "Our Joy" at the first part of the phrase then? Because the joy is shared in the group - "His People." Don't be discoraged, but be content with such things as ye have. It is good to weep, but weep with a Godly focus. Not a self focus. David said, "my pillow is soaked with my tears." Jesus wept, He wept not because he was powerless to help his friends, but because he felt their pain and angrish within Himself.

Tears often flow when a dear one of ours is in suffering. When a loved one is in a grief, or going through a prolonged heartache. Tears flow for we feel and sympathize with their pain, both physical and emotional. So we weep for our dear one's pain.

Do we weep for the spiritually lost too? In Jeremiah 13:17 we find, "But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears…" Those words, "my soul" used here in the Hebrew, "Nephesh" is corresponding to our heart of hearts, our center of emotions. "Nephesh", is the seat of our emotions and passions. Do those tears lead us to actions, such as sharing our faith in love with our neighbors or bringing a meal to a broken family?
God keeps our tears and records our every step. In Psalm 56:8 we find, "Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?" Here "tellest" means to record and the second part of this verse means that God keeps our tears in a bottle and writes them in His book. How much God loves us to be with us in every moment of our lives, even when we are going through a pro-longed sorrow.
Why do we have emotions? Because we are made in God's image and the Bible shows that God has joy, takes delight, as well as be angry and happy. Our emotions are derived from God's. Therefore, our emotions are a reflection of God's emotions. They can also be a distortion of God's emotions when sin is involved.
Let us remember that God gave us emotions and that they will always be a part of us. Let us therefore be moved in the right actions and be His hands and feet in sharing His love today.


OUR Joy @ Eternity realized is in the presence of My God and His People. Don't be discouraged for He has planted you within the Net-work of his body.